The Link Between NMR and K
Integration of Surface, Logging and Direct-Push NMR with Hydraulic Conductivity Data
The Place
Many of the hydrogeological and geophysical investigations will take place at the Geohydrological Experimental and Monitoring Site (GEMS) located outside Lawrence, Kansas. This facility, operated by the Kansas Geological Survey, has been extensively studied and serves as an excellent test site with well-understood subsurface structure.
The Problem
The ease by which water flows through the subsurface, known as hydraulic conductivity (K), is an important parameter to characterize when studying ground water movement and contaminant transport. This project focuses on using NMR to improve our ability to estimate hydraulic conductivity in multiple dimensions within the top ~100 m of the Earth.
Our Approach
We are using nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) instrumentation in both surface and borehole modes to make measurements of the aquifer properties at the study site. These geophysical measurements can be converted to hydraulic conductivity estimates using calibration equations. Validation measurements of hydraulic conductivity area made using a direct-push permeameter (DPP) that can independently assess the aquifer at discrete intervals of the subsurface. Surface NMR measurements will be made in two-dimensional and three-dimensional modes to characterize large volumes of the aquifer with minimal disturbance.
Data Archive
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